Tuesday, June 11, 2013

German bank clerk accidentally puts £190million into pensioner’s account after falling asleep on his keyboard

A Bank's clerk was supposed to transfer just €62.40 (£53) from a bank account belonging to a retiree. But instead 'fell asleep for an instant, while pushing onto the number 2 key on the keyboard'. That 'instant' resulted in a multimillion-euros transfer instead. In fact the pensioner received a huge €222,222,222.22 that day, according to the Telegraph.

The bank discovered the mistake shortly afterwards and corrected the error, but the clerk's boss was fired.
The case was taken to court by the 48-year-old female colleague - who was fired for the error last April. At that time she said she had examined more than 800 documents, most were checked in less than two seconds.

1 comment:

ug said...

Hahahahahah, why nau, they 4 allow d money nau. Was she having slp attack, ℓ☺ℓ