Saturday, April 6, 2013


Nigeria as a nation is already bedeviled by so many woes and crisis that leaves the masses especially the youths wondering how bright the future is in this nation. In the face of unemployment, poor economy and numerous hardships the masses face, our leaders have consistently done so little in bringing the positive change we need. Unfortunately, we have been deceived for too long that we no longer marvel at the gimmicks of deception unleashed on us daily by our leaders! It is however, so sad that we follow them like hypnotized people!

If our leaders lack the political/moral will to do the right thing, then it should be our duty to remind them and possibly refute any sort of political imposition on the masses. Now, the issue at hand which is Amnesty for Boko Haram is too dangerous for silence and if it is not well addressed, may be an institutionalization of systematic breakdown of this nation.

For some time now, some leaders in the north have been clamouring for amnesty for Boko Haram; but the question is, to whom should the amnesty be given? To faceless people? To terrorists who have so far deprived others their freedom of worship and life by bombing so many churches, wasting precious lives and destroying properties? , Boko Haram has killed over 5,000 people including foreigners in so many barbaric ways. Yet, these so-called selfish Northern leaders say they are fighting for their rights. Tell me, is it human for a freedom fighter to behead victims with machete or slice them in pieces allowing them to die in anguish? I don’t think freedom fighters indulge in such cruelty and animalistic behaviour to express their grievances.

Niger Delta Militants vs Boko Haram Terrorists:
How do you know if a particular group is fighting a just cause? It is very simple; every group has ideology and agitations. From the agitation, one could easily discern whether they are on the right track or not. Remember, any group that does not have this interest of the people at heart, or threaten the peace and unity of a nation should not be considered as freedom fighters.

The agitators of amnesty for Boko haram perhaps are comparing the Niger Delta militants to Boko Haram terrorists.  As freedom fighters, the Niger Delta militants fought the environmental degradation of their communities, gross neglect by the Leaders and poverty in the region that produces the major economic revenue of this nation. They were constantly sending messages across to the government and the oil companies and when it was time to go into dialogue, they came to the table as a sign of their readiness to publicly express their grievances. Never was there any hidden identity with the Niger Delta militants; they were never faceless just like Boko Haram that has no agenda. 

Our leaders should find a solution to these insurgencies instead of being too liberal in the fight of terrorism. If amnesty is granted to Boko haram, what is the guarantee that another group wont spring up from the North with their own agenda? Will that be a permanent solution to these insurgencies or an encouragement for other groups in other regions to spring up knowing full well that amnesty will always be the pis-aller. Then, the innocent people that lost their lives since this Boko Haram saga would have died in vain! This is a food for thought for our leaders.

Finally, fighting for one’s rights is something that is internationally applauded but if the ideology and agitation of any group are wrong or negative, then such a group will not be fighting a just cause. The ideology of the Niger Delta militants is contrary to that of Boko Haram and if the latter is not a group of freedom fighters, then it’s a terrorist group and should be treated as such. Agitating for amnesty for a faceless terrorist group is something that shouldn’t be mentioned because that ideal is as dangerous as the activities of the Boko Haram.

What are your thoughts?

I’d really like to hear your thoughts on this matter as I know there are a lot of people with diverse opinion on this. Should Jonathan go on with the amnesty or continue the fight on terrorism (Boko Haram)? Please drop a comment and let me know.

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